Virtual device

How to set up your virtual device

Virtual data points can be created by using a virtual device. These can be used in the context of the following application examples:

  • Saving the result of a SoftPLC data processing task in an independent data point
  • Support for complex conversion types (weekly timer, time, date)
  • Providing data storage when using the APIs

By clicking on the icon, a new virtual device can be entered.


Property Description
Protocol type Select Virtual Device
Name Enter the name of the device
Description Specify the description of the device
Labels Labels of the device


The setup of the virtual devices allows a number of possible actions.


Action Description
Edit end device settings
Export data points (if data points are available)
Import data points (if no data points are available)
Remove device (if no data points are recorded)

Data points

For collecting a new device data point, also click on the corresponding icon.


Property Description
writeable When activated, values can be written to this data point
asynchronous Read and write operations are executed asynchronously on this data point. Can be helpful for data processing in the SoftPLC with asynchronous protocols (MQTT, KNX)
Data point Enter the name of the data point
Description Specify the description of the data point
Data type Select the data type (B1, U8, V8, U16, V16, F16, U32, V32, F32)
Conversion If necessary, convert your values (e.g. the temperature in °C, with one digit after the decimal point)
Unit If desired, specify the units in the LaTeX format (e.g. ^\circ C for °C)

When using the U32 data type, additional conversion types are available:

Conversion Use
Time Data point for time specification
Date Data point for date specification
Date and time Data point for date and time
Weekly timer Data point for weekly timer, which can be processed in the SoftPLC


The setup of the data point allows a number of possible actions.


Action Description
Edit data point settings
Edit Smart UI settings
Show trend data point
Write data point (if writeable)
Duplicate data point
Remove data point